I, Geek — Tomorrow Belongs to the Dreamers
So, you've imagined your alien planet, peopled it with curious beasts, ancient bio-tech civilisations and warring clans. You've worked on the galaxy's history, the development of FTL interplanetary travel, the design and function of shiny ships or crusty, post-apocalyptic scavenger gadgetry and survival pods. You've found your way into a mirror world of sorcery and chivalry and you are ready to take the reader on an epic journey.
But something's missing. Perhaps your characters lack depth and believable psychology. Perhaps your concept needs a little more thought to maximise its originality. Perhaps you need help balancing backstory with present-time story pacing. Or perhaps you are almost there and just need a committed, informed beta reader, proofreader or copy-editor who knows the genre.
I am a lifelong sci-fi fan and reader of sci-fi and fantasy. I am also a doctor of literature (Cambridge University) and writer in my own right. I have what it takes and can bring all the skills outlined on the accompanying pages to your sweeping saga.
Let's go!
Sci-Fi & Fantasy Editing
email me here:
Based in Brighton, UK. Postal address for manuscripts provided as required.